Welcome to this digital space – the ‘home’ page of this cosy home-oriented nook of the internet.
If you’re a homebody-at-heart, a mama, a crafter, a book obsessive, a woodland wanderer, an empath, a finder of comfort in bygone days, a lover of Cottagecore or Grandmacore, a spiritual soul, a seeker of slowness in a world designed to make everything faster … well, you’re probably in the right place. I’m glad you’re here.
Home is the nicest word there is.
Laura Ingalls Wilder
This blog is – as so many are – a sort of digital diary.
It’s my aim to write something each day, mostly to develop a discipline I’ve lost. For the past decade and a half, I’ve been a professional writer.
The majority of my writing work has been as a copywriter (not to be confused with the people who copyright intellectual property!). I’ve written for great big brands and tichy tiny businesses. It’s been fun, for the most part.
But for several years now, I’ve longed to write just for myself. To write without a brief, without dictation, without parameters.
In these quiet pages you’ll read about my days with our children, with our puppy (she’s a clumber x springer x cocker spaniel – yep, box of frogs!), days pottering at home, days knitting and crocheting, days baking, days tending to our garden and veg patch … the precious in-between times that fill my cup between the hours of full time work.
My hope, one day, is to ‘just’ be at home.
To look after our home, our family, our garden. It truly is what my heart longs for.
One day, hey?
And so, at the risk of rambling, I’ll wind this up now.
I look forward to reading your comments and hope you find comfort, inspiration, and grounding here.
Alice x